People contacts

I shot this photo when I went to Kodai 3 years back.  The world is such a small place.  You keep bumping into people who you know so often.   Just two days back I bumped into Bala – a person I knew in iNautix.  The last I saw him was 2 years back.  Especially in this industry – where people move a lot – its no wonder.  The heights was when I went to Melbourne and I bumped into Zeeshan Humayun who was my best friend in my primary school years.  We even had raincoats which were so damn identical (sounds like a Hindi movie story ).  I bumped into him thrice when I was in Melbourne and once again in Bangalore.  Apparently he is based out of Canberra in Australia and was just making short visits to Melbourne.  The last time I saw him was when I was in PUC. 

Sarnbir Sawhney was another case.  I last saw him when I was in 3rd standard.  Again I saw him in 1st year Bsc.  It was quite a meet when we met each other in the first class of the Biochem honors.  Kept in touch with him for a couple of years after that with letters and all.  Later lost touch with him.